Overview: This article provides a guide to resolving an Asterisk issue where manually dialed calls have a call audio recording, but click to dialed calls do not.
The cause of the behavior
This behavior is the result of the Click to Dial “Context” that Tenfold sends to Asterisk. Fortunately, there are a few consistent methods to getting it resolved.
First, try setting the Context to:
This is the most commonly implemented fix and works the majority of the time. In the off chance that the issue persists, Tenfold will need some additional information from your provider as they aren’t using one of the typical default “Context” options.
Example 1. Sample email to send to your provider
I’m using a CTI service called Tenfold to log calls to my CRM + provide click to dial. Our issue is for calls that are originated via click to dial, we do not get a audio call recording. I spoke with the dev team over there and they said this is because of the “Context” setting.
They asked me to ask you “What is the proper Context we should be using?”
We tried using typical defaults for Asterisk configurations.
and “`Local/114@from-internal“`
Both successfully made an outbound call but, neither recorded the calls in the backend.
The calls are originated using the Asterisk Management Interface API’s “Originate” command. Technical details are here: http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+Manager+API+Action+Originate