Add Web Messaging to your Website
Brands can better target their consumers by adding engagements to their website that invite consumers to start messaging. By creating and managing these buttons and banners through LivePerson’s platform, they can choose what users to target based on engagement attributes or entry points and route them to the desired skill.…
Authenticated Web Messaging
The following document guides you through creating authenticated Web Messaging. To complete your Web Messaging program, you may also use: Getting started with Web Messaging Adding Web Messaging to your website Why use authentication? Authenticated customer information increases the security of the communication as the…
Proactive Engagements for Web Messaging
Introduction Offering customers targeted engagements at different stages of their customer journey from beginning to end can lead to an increase in sales and greater customer satisfaction. For example, a customer who appears close to abandoning their cart might be offered immediate sales support, while a visitor hovering…