The following serves as a template of elements that you can simply copy/paste into a new article for proper formatting. Be sure to REMOVE/REPLACE this and all other BOLD+ITALIC text!
This text should be used to generally describe the article and the information it plans to outline. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse dolor magna, ultrices at quam eu, sodales posuere velit. Vivamus vulputate magna elit. Phasellus viverra nec felis molestie placerat. Fusce malesuada consequat cursus. Pellentesque lacinia fringilla felis eget iaculis. Sed interdum sed diam eget vestibulum.
Portion 1 - H2 (Required)
This text should be used to generally describe the information found within this Portion of the article. Each Portion should have 0 OR 2+ sub-portions, never 1. If you plan to use a Portion without Sub-portions, you can simply copy/paste the content found within one of the Sub-portions below as content for the Portion. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse dolor magna, ultrices at quam eu, sodales posuere velit.
Sub-Portion 1.1 - Dos and Don'ts Example - H3 (Optional)
This sub-portion contains one or more examples to emphasize something wrong/that should not be followed, followed by something right/should be followed.
This text should be used to generally describe the information found within this sub-portion of the article. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse dolor magna, ultrices at quam eu, sodales posuere velit.
Examples - H4 (Required for this Sub-Portion)
🚫 Example that goes against info in Sub-Portion 1.1 or Portion 1
✅ Example that goes along with info in Sub-Portion 1.1 or Portion 1
This text can be used to further elaborate on the examples above. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. (Optional)
Note (Optional): This text, along with the "Note:" prefixing it, can be used to further elaborate on a specific piece of info in Sub-Portion 1.1 or Portion 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Sub-Portion 1.2 - List(s) - H3 (Optional)
This sub-portion contains one or more lists to emphasize examples. These lists can either use a bulleted format (used when numbering is NOT required) or an Emoji-based format (used when numbers MAY or MAY NOT be required).
This text should be used to generally describe the bulleted list below:
This text should be used to generally describe the Emoji-based list below: (Note that the emojis can be changed to accompany the content of the list!)
1️⃣ Item 1
2️⃣ Item 2
3️⃣ Item 3
Note (Optional): This text, along with the "Note:" prefixing it, can be used to further elaborate on a specific piece of info in Sub-Portion 1.2 or Portion 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Sub-Portion 1.3 - Information - H3 (Optional)
This sub-portion simply contains one or more paragraphs of information highlighting something related to Portion 1.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec bibendum pretium libero, vitae commodo arcu venenatis sit amet. Vivamus gravida iaculis ex in feugiat. Sed neque leo, venenatis eget nulla id, blandit facilisis neque. Duis vel ante porta, faucibus tortor nec, sodales ligula. Curabitur orci libero, rhoncus nec nibh et, tempus sollicitudin enim. Vestibulum ornare ex ut mauris convallis pellentesque. Nullam cursus sapien a lacus pulvinar elementum. Ut sed ante lectus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec bibendum pretium libero, vitae commodo arcu venenatis sit amet. Vivamus gravida iaculis ex in feugiat. Sed neque leo, venenatis eget nulla id, blandit facilisis neque. Duis vel ante porta, faucibus tortor nec, sodales ligula. Curabitur orci libero, rhoncus nec nibh et, tempus sollicitudin enim. Vestibulum ornare ex ut mauris convallis pellentesque. Nullam cursus sapien a lacus pulvinar elementum. Ut sed ante lectus.